Lucy Trevelyan LLB
NCTJ-qualified journalist
Broken Jaw Claims
Does your claim qualify? Get free, no obligation advice!
Your jaw gives your face its unique structure – your jaw literally makes your face your own! So if you’ve fractured your jaw and it was someone else’s fault, you could claim compensation.
The human jaw is a vital bone structure, providing the mechanism facial movements that we do without really thinking, such as eating and talking.
While a jaw injury could be the result of the injured person’s own carelessness – it would be highly unusual. In the majority of cases, a broken or dislocated jaw will have been caused by excessive force as a result of road traffic accidents, negligence or criminal assault, such as an altercation at work – in which case those responsible should be brought to account.
Your fractured jaw injury may have left you in severe pain and unable to talk, eat or breathe properly. Thankfully, the purpose of making a broken jaw claim is to compensate you for what’s happened and to make your recovery an easier process. In serious cases, for example, if you’ve undergone surgery and need ongoing treatment, you may be able to bring a substantial claim broken jaw compensation claim to reflect the seriousness of your personal injury and the effects on your life.
If you’ve suffered a fractured or broken jaw – or other facial injuries – and you think someone else was to blame, you could make a no win no fee personal injury claim. Call now for free legal advice on 0800 234 6438, or if you prefer, you can request a call back using the injury contract form here.
So long as you have a reasonable chance of winning your broken jaw injury claim, your personal injury solicitors will be able to take your claim on a no win no fee basis. This means the financial risk to you of claiming for a broken jaw bone is removed – you don’t need to worry about the costs involved.
You’ll sign a ‘conditional fee agreement’ meaning you’ll have no legal costs to pay if your broken jaw compensation claim is unsuccessful. And if you win, you’ll receive your compensation award. Out of your compensation, you will then pay your solicitor a ‘success fee’ to cover your legal fees (this will never be more than 25% of your broken jaw bone compensation).
To start the no win no fee jaw injury compensation claim process, simply call 0800 234 6438 for a no obligation consultation with a specialist personal injury solicitor. They’ll ask you how your broken jaw injury was caused, explain your options and partner you with experienced personal injury solicitors. Importantly, the law firm will be regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority – giving you much needed peace of mind during the broken jaw injury claims process.
The human jaw is a remarkable structure; engineered in such as way as to allow us to eat and drink, talk, kiss and even breath properly. The jaw itself consists of the lower jaw (the ‘mandible’) and the upper jaw (the ‘maxilla’). Most jaw fractures are to the lower jaw and more than half of lower jaw fractures involve a break in two places..
The jawbones are connected to the skull at two joints (the temporomandibular joints) which are either side in front of the ears
The lower jaw (mandible) supports the bottom teeth and provides the shaping of our chin and lower part of the face. It’s also the part of the jaw that moves up and down and side to side; moving together with our teeth and allowing us to bite and chew food until it’s soft enough to swallow.
The upper jaw bone (maxilla) holds the upper teeth and is in two parts which are fused together below the nose. Fractures of the upper jaw are relatively rare and are usually caused by direct blunt trauma to the upper part of the front of the face, such as the cheek bones. Swelling from a fracture to the maxilla could be so severe that it can block the airway, in which case, urgent medical attention is needed.
If you’ve suffered dislocated or broken jaw bones caused by someone else, call 0800 234 6438 for free legal advice, or if you prefer, ask for a call back using the contact form here.
This depends on the nature and extent of the fracture itself. Some jaw fractures are relatively minor and heal with minimal medical intervention, painkillers and self-care. A fractured tooth socket, for example, is a minor injury and typically treated with painkillers (and antibiotics because of the risk of infection).
But if the broken jaw is more serious, it’s highly likely surgery will be required. The fracture itself can occur in the part that supports the teeth, or in the curvature of the jaw or at the side points or joints of the jaw.
The treatment you receive depends on how serious the injury. In the case of serious fractures to the jaw bone, doctors may need to insert metal plates and screws to help the jaw bone fuse together. Occasionally – usually only in the most complicated fractures – broken jaws need to be stabilised with wires them while they heal. Along with wires, the teeth are held together with elastic bands. It means the injured person can’t eat properly and diet will be restricted to liquidised or very soft food while healing takes place.
Cancer of the mouth or the jaw can raise the risk of suffering a fractured jaw
If you have fractured your jaw, you’ll probably know about it – the injury will undoubtedly be accompanied by significant pain and bruising. The most common symptoms of a fractured jaw include:
Some of these symptoms could indicate a dislocation of the jaw, which is also serious, so it’s vital to seek medical treatment promptly.
A diagnosis would usually be reached after a physical examination by a doctor; an x-ray; and if necessary, a CAT scan (which is usually more accurate). Always have a jaw injury checked out because the risks of leaving it untreated include increased swelling, pain and infection.
The mandible jaw bone is the only double-hinged bone in the human body. It is also the biggest and strongest bone in the face
Jaw bone fractures are typically caused by excessive force (trauma) – usually as a result of someone else’s negligence, a car accident or criminal conduct, such as an assault. They’re often caused by the injured person falling onto their jaw or being punched in the chin area or at the side of the face. The most common causes of a fractured jaw include:
Anyone employed in manual work, such as on a building or construction site or in a factory, is at greater risk of suffering a fractured jaw or other injuries. These types of manual worker usually move around carrying or pushing heavy loads and working in risky locations. Even so, employers owe a legal duty of care to workers and must follow all relevant health and safety regulations to protect their employees from the risk of injury.
A punch in the jaw or to the side of the face can break the jaw. Unfortunately, broken jaw injuries are often caused by someone who loses their temper and throws a punch in the heat of the moment.
Sports accidents can cause fractured jaw injuries, particularly contact sports, such as rugby, football and hockey. While sportsmen and women participate in their sports fully aware of the a risk of injury, not all broken jaw injuries are avoidable. For example, if a coach has failed to provide face or mouth guards and a player is hit in the face as a result, the injured player could make a broken jaw compensation claim if their jaw is broken.
Tripping on an uneven surface or over an obstacle on a walkway or steps could lead to a broken jaw injury, particularly if the victim is elderly. The fact is, local authorities are responsible for ensuring their land and property are properly maintained and safe for members of the public to walk on. If they fail in their duty of care and someone suffers a fractured jaw or other injuries, they could be held responsible under ‘public liability’ laws.
Similarly, if your broken jaw injury was caused on private property and it was someone else’s fault, you could be entitled to fractured jaw compensation from the property owner/occupier under ‘occupiers’ liability’ law.
A road traffic accident involves speed and force and can cause potentially very serious multiple fractures including a broken jaw. If you’ve been involved in a road traffic accident or any road traffic situation where you’re not at fault, and someone else was negligent, you should be able to start a personal injury claim for your broken jaw injury and other injuries suffered.
If you were a vulnerable road user – a pedestrian or cyclist – you’re even more at risk of a serious injury and if injured, you deserve the right to bring a broken jaw injury claim.
Misdiagnosis of a broken jaw can cause additional suffering and substandard dental treatment can cause a broken jaw (see below)
Find out more about claiming dental negligence compensation.
Someone who has their jaw wired shut to allow the jaw bones to heal, are advised to carry wire cutters so that they can quickly cut the wires if they start to choke or vomit.
With prompt and appropriate treatment from the outset, most jaw fractures heal in time. If surgical intervention is needed, the recovery period will be lengthier but with ongoing medical support you should get back to normal with few if any permanent consequences.
However, with serious fractured jaws or in cases where diagnosis and treatment has been sub-standard, the recovery process can be more challenging. You may need reconstructive surgery and suffer ongoing facial problems. The potential complications associated with a broken jaw include:
Though quite rare, this is a possible complication of upper jaw fractures and affects the walls of the sinuses. It can cause facial pain in the cheeks or teeth which can be more painful when bending over or straining.
The individual may experience temporary or permanent numbness or changes in sensation and feeling in the lower lip, tongue, gums or the chin as a result of nerve damage
Ongoing stiffness or clicking in the joints may be experienced
There may be residual damage to the teeth near the site of the fracture, such as nerve damage and eventual loss of a tooth.
Your teeth may be misaligned so that your ‘bite’ – how your top and bottom teeth meet – has changed. In some cases, this can be rectified through further surgery.
As with any physical injury, a broken jaw carries the risk of infection – whether from the injury itself or following surgery. If you’ve had plates, screws or wires inserted and infection develops, these may need to be removed with further surgery – prolonging your recovery time.
A fractured jaw, particularly following serious trauma to the upper jaw, can cause a spinal injury in neck. In some situations, an injury to the spine may be even more serious than the primary jaw injury.
If the jaw remains deformed after it has healed, you could experience ongoing issues with eating, speaking – and even breathing and sleeping. Your appearance may also be affected, leading to loss of confidence and affecting your social life.
Anyone who has had surgery is likely to be left with scars. If you’ve had surgery on your fractured jaw, for example to insert plates and screws, you may have facial scarring which has a wider impact on your life.
A jaw fracture can be a complicated injury and not everyone fully recovers in a few weeks. The impact on your life could be substantial, especially if you’re suffering ongoing symptoms and scarring.
Thankfully, your compensation for a broken jaw will also take into account the full impact of your injuries on your life and you can rely on your solicitor to recover maximum compensation. Call now for free legal advice on 0800 234 6438, or if you prefer, ask for a call back using the contact form here.
Yes, if your jaw fracture was someone else’s fault – they ought to be held legally responsible by being asked to pay compensation. Whether your jaw injury occurred at work, while playing rugby or hockey or after being assaulted, you could be entitled to start claiming compensation.
To prove the other party was negligent, your solicitor will have to demonstrate on balance that they had a duty of care towards you; they breached that duty; and your injuries were foreseeable and directly caused by their negligence..
Your personal injury solicitor will talk you through how jaw injury compensation claims are conducted; and tell you what information they will need to prove your case. The most important step you can take is to call on 0800 234 6438, or if you prefer, you can request a call back using the injury contact form here.
As an employee or worker, your employer has a legal duty of care to ensure your workplace is safe from the risk of injuries. Employers’ general responsibilities are set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other laws. One of the key duties is to undertake initial and ongoing regular risk assessments and to swiftly deal with any health and safety risks identified.
For example, where heavy or awkward objects are being moved around a construction site, or there is a risk of heavy objects falling from upper floors, platforms or scaffolds, workers should be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as helmets and eye and mouth shields.
Clear warning signs should also be placed in appropriate areas warning of the risk of falling objects or trip and slip hazards. Where employers fail in their duty of care and a worker is injured, the employer should be held responsible.
If you’ve suffered a fractured jaw in a workplace accident, make sure your employer has recorded the incident in the accident logbook; and has also formally reported the incident to the Health and Safety Executive. This is because under RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013), any broken jaw and other facial fractures must be reported. The report and any subsequent investigations will be important evidence in your jaw injury claim.
To start claiming broken jaw compensation following a workplace accident, call for a free consultation on 0800 234 6438, or if you prefer, you can request a call back using the contact form here.
We understand that facing the prospect of claiming jaw injury compensation from an employer is daunting because of the potential backlash at work. However, it’s reassuring to know that your employer has liability insurance to protect them in the event of a workplace accident following a breach of duty of care. This means successful broken jaw compensation claims are paid out by employers’ insurers – and not out of their profits.
In addition, workers are legally protected from being unfairly treated or sacked simply because you’re making a jaw injury claim. If you’re being treated badly at work – or you’ve even been dismissed – because you’re claiming broken jaw compensation for a workplace injury, tell your solicitors as soon as you can. You may be able to make an additional claim under employment laws.
Missed fractures and misdiagnoses are a common reason behind personal injury claims made against healthcare professionals, but these mistakes should not happen. Fractured jaws can often be diagnosed by a physical examination; and they will almost always be apparent from an x-ray or a scan. Failure to detect a fracture probably amounts to negligence.
Find out more about claiming hospital negligence compensation.
Delayed diagnosis and treatment can compound the injured person’s pain and suffering; and lengthen the treatment and recovery. Surgeons may also fall below an acceptable standard of care when surgically repairing a jaw fracture, for instance inadequate fixing of plates or screws.
Occasionally, a fracture to the jaw can be caused during the course of treatment itself – particularly dental work. The most likely way this happens is when a dentist exerts so much force during a tooth extracting that the jaw itself is fractured.
In cases such as negligent dental treatment, or delayed or misdiagnosis of a fractured jaw, the individual could begin a claim for medical or dental negligence. The first step you should take is to discuss your situation with a personal injury law firm who can provide free legal advice on claiming on a no win no fee basis following a jaw injury.
A 25-year-old stable girl who suffered a broken jaw when a horse kicked her in the head, has started a claim for £200,000 against a racehorse trainer
It’s vital that you speak with an impartial legal advice service to ensure you don’t waste money on unnecessary legal fees that could leave you in debt. A trained adviser can assess your specific case and confirm whether you have the right to make a fractured or broken jaw compensation claim.
Assuming you can – you will be partnered with a specialist solicitor experienced in no win no fee claims. All you need to do is call 0800 234 6438 for free legal advice about your jaw injury or, if you’d rather, request a call back using the contact form here.
Your solicitor will ask about your jaw injury, how it happened, your recovery and how it has impacted your life. They will then start to gather the evidence needed to build a strong case on your behalf.
To make this as speedy as possible, you should pass on the evidence you have, such as photographs of the scene and of your injury; names and contact details of any witnesses; CCTV or dashcam footage; and any accident reports made to, eg your employer.
Once your solicitors have the necessary evidence, they’ll contact those responsible for your injury, put your broken jaw injury claim to them and attempt to negotiate a fractured or broken jaw compensation settlement. Fortunately, most successful no win no fee claims are concluded by agreeing a fair broken jaw settlement with the other side.
However, while most do people want to settle jaw injury claims outside of the courtroom, occasionally a negligent party might refuse to agree a fair settlement – or may refuse to admit responsibility. This means a court hearing may become necessary, but your solicitor will represent you throughout any proceedings and work hard to get you the best possible outcome.
If you have suffered a jaw fracture and other injuries which were someone else’s fault, you can begin the no win no fee claims process today. Get in touch with a legal advisor for free advice and in complete confidence on 0800 234 6438. They’ll let you know whether they think you’re eligible to make a broken jaw injury case, and can then pass you on to a specialist personal injury solicitor.
When assessing how much compensation you might win, your solicitors will seek maximum personal injury compensation for your pain and suffering and ‘loss of amenity’. This is known as ‘general damages’ and will reflect the full extent of your jaw injury (and any other injuries you’ve suffered) and the impact on your life. You may, for example, have had to take several weeks off work without pay and you may be facing the prosect of further surgery and potential scarring.
Every personal injury cases is different so we’re not able tell you exactly how much you might win for your fractured jaw injury so early. However, once your jaw injury claims solicitor has a fuller picture of your injury and its effects on your life, they will be able to discuss your potential broken jaw compensation with you.
Also, when making jaw injury claims you can also claim for your reasonable financial losses caused directly by the injury. These are known as ‘special damages’ and usually include loss of earnings and the cost of medical treatment.
You can be reassured that your lawyers will work hard to make sure you receive the maximum broken jaw compensation you deserve.
Broken jaws are the second most common form of facial fracture, broken noses are the most common
Fractured jaw claims vary from one injured person to another, depending on the seriousness of the injury and whether there are other personal injuries. This means it may be difficult to provide an early estimate of the amount of general damages you might get for a broken jaw without knowing the full background and your recovery so far.
However, there are official guidelines – the Judicial College Guidelines (2022 edition) – which personal injury lawyers refer to when calculating how much compensation amounts. For example:
The range indicated shows how varied the amounts of compensation for a broken or fractured jaw can be, depending on the particular injury, so it’s important to give as much information to your solicitor as possible. You can also try our online broken jaw compensation calculator for a rough initial estimate, but bear in mind it should only be treated as a guide (especially if you also have other injuries).
Your broken jaw injury claim can include additional compensation to refund you any financial losses caused by your jaw injuries. You can claim special damages to covers, for example:
To make it as simple as you can to reclaim these costs, pass on any receipts, invoices and pay slips to your lawyer – they will need them to prove to the other side that you’re entitled to a repayment of these sums.
A nurse who suffered a broken jaw after being thrown from a fairground ride in Hull won a 5-figure compensation settlement from the funfair’s insurers. Jade Harrison, 24, needed metal plates inserted after the 2019 incident.
There are traumatic incidents where an innocent victim of crime is left with physical injuries, whether that’s broken and fractured bones, cuts and bruises – or far more serious injuries. Thankfully, there is a legal route allowing broken jaw injury victims to claim compensation for criminal injuries if they are the victim of violent crime, such as an assault.
If someone else was to blame for the attack, you should be able to make a jaw injury compensation claim to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) – a government-run scheme which pays out even if the attacker has not been identified. To be eligible to claim broken jaw compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority you should start it as soon as you can; and the criminal attack must have been reported to the police as soon as is reasonably practicable.
When assessing your broken jaw injury claim, the CICA will look at your role (if any) in the alleged crime before deciding whether or not to make an award. For instance, if you’ve been in a fight and you were just as much to blame for the dispute – but you came off worse with a broken jaw – it’s unlikely you’ll be awarded compensation by the CIBA.
If you’re due an award, the amount available is fixed depending on the actual injury (unlike ‘normal’ compensation claims where the range of potential compensation is wide). The tariffs for broken jaw injuries include £1,500 where no surgery is needed and there is good recovery; and £6,200 where the victim requires an operation but is still left with a substantial disability.
For detailed information about the CICA scheme, see our guide here. You can also telephone 0800 234 6438, or if you prefer, ask for a call back using the contact form here. A personal injury solicitor will be able to explain what the best course of action is for your case and will help you claim compensation on a no win no fee basis.
Yes, medical evidence is almost always necessary in personal injury claims. This is partly why it’s vital to seek medical treatment if you suspect you have a fractured jaw or other injuries. All your medical notes and records will be crucial to your claim.
Further down the line, you will be asked to attend a medical assessment with a specialist medical professional, such as an maxillofacial consultant. The doctor will discuss your jaw injury with you, examine your jaw and write a report setting your prognosis and the impact on your life, and whether further surgery or treatment is necessary.
You don’t need to worry about organising this yourself or paying a fee as your solicitor will do this on your behalf under the terms of your no win no fee agreement.
Yes, most personal injury claims must be started within three years from the date of the accident. However, if the injured person is under 18, the three-year time limit does not start to run until they reach 18. That said, it’s important the claim is started on their behalf as early as possible while events are fresh in your mind and witnesses can still be contacted.
If the individual lacks mental capacity, the three-year time limit is extended – it does not start to run unless and until they regain their mental capacity.
To find out about the claims process, get in touch with specialist advisors on 0800 234 6438, or use our contact form and ask for a call back. You’ll be partnered with specialist injury lawyers for a free initial consultation.
Nicola is a dual qualified journalist and non-practising solicitor. She is a legal journalist, editor and author with more than 20 years' experience writing about the law.
When you submit your details, you'll be in safe hands. Our partners are National Accident Helpline (a brand of National Accident Law, a firm of personal injury solicitors regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority). They are the UK's leading personal injury service. Their friendly legal services advisers will call you to talk about your claim and give you free, no-obligation advice. National Accident Law may pay us a marketing fee for our services.
By submitting your personal data, you agree for your details to be sent to National Accident Law so they can contact you to discuss your claim.
If you win your case, your solicitor's success fee will be taken from the compensation you are awarded - up to a maximum of 25%. Your solicitor will discuss any fees before starting your case.
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